
End of life illness stories come to this moment: the final period of waiting and staying awake. Sleeping mats on the floors of hospital rooms, dozing in chairs, holding hands, keeping shifts and vigils, hard choices, knowing what is to come. There’s an intense wish repeatedly expressed to get there in time: for the living to be present with the dying, to let them know that they are safe and cared for, and that those they love are safe and can…

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End in sight

I suppose it’s like the ticking crocodile, isn’t it? Time is chasing after all of us. –J M Barrie, Peter Pan It’s highly probable that somewhere in the world today a child has been born that’s going to live to 150 –Joe Hockey, Treasurer Two thoughts. 1 Australian politics is frozen in mid backflip over the shark, and I’m still stuck on the Treasurer’s claim back in January that we need to shore up our public health system to prepare for Australians living to…

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